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July 25, 2024


🕵️‍♀️ /rootly lookup: Find and Filter Recent Incidents in Slack

🕵️‍♀️ /rootly lookup: Find and Filter Recent Incidents in Slack

We’ve made it easy to find potentially related incidents without leaving Slack with the /rootly lookup command. From any Slack channel, typing /rootly lookup will pull up a list of your 10 most recent active incidents, with the ability to filter by affected service. This means you can easily check for ongoing or recent incidents that could be related, and quickly consolidate efforts or identify troubleshooting steps that have been effective elsewhere. The list is populated right in Slack with a brief description for each incident and the option to jump to the incident’s Slack channel or page in Rootly. Check it out:

Want to learn more about Slack commands with Rootly? Check out our Help docs for a full list.

🌝 New & Improved

🆕 Generic webhooks can now be configured to support auto-resolution of incoming alerts from any alert source.

🆕 Tasks can now be configured to send a reminder to the assignee for a specified amount of time before the due date.

💅 Improved inactivity reminder for Slack Smart Default settings to recognize canceled incidents so that inactivity reminders will no longer be sent to canceled incidents.

💅 Adjusted on-call schedule reset logic to not rotate to next user when active time range is edited.

🐛 Fixed incorrect field type definition on rootly_escalation_level resource in Terraform provider.

🐛 Fixed inability to move existing on-call schedules to Schedule Groups.

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Playbook Tasks

Workflow Groups and Folders

Optionally Create Incident Slack Channels

Backfill and Import Past Incidents

Customizable Interactive Tutorials

Workflow Debugger

Required, Default, and Customizable Fields

Zapier Integration

Scheduled Maintenance

Branded Emails and Custom SMTP Server

🕵️On-Call Schedule Owners & Gap Finder

Incident Variable Explorer Integration - Component & Template Support

Sandbox Environments

Rollbar Integration

Beautiful Incident Timeline Pages

Manage Workflows via API, Terraform, and Pulumi

Customizable Incident Metrics

Microsoft Teams Integration

Microsoft Azure Active Directory SSO Integration

Backstage Integration

Linear Integration

Workflow Versioning

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