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September 26, 2024


๐Ÿšจ New Alert Sources: Azure, CloudWatch, and Google Cloud

๐Ÿšจ New Alert Sources: Azure, CloudWatch, and Google Cloud

Since launching Alert Sources, weโ€™ve continued to add natively built-in alert sources to make it easy to intake alerts from the tools you know and love into Rootly. Here are the latest additions:

Azure Monitor: A comprehensive monitoring solution for collecting, analyzing, and responding to monitoring data from your cloud and on-premises environments. Azure monitor comes standard when you start an Azure subscription.ย 

Amazon CloudWatch: Monitors applications, responds to performance changes, optimizes resource use, and provides insights into operational health. By collecting data across AWS resources, CloudWatch gives visibility into system-wide performance and allows users to set alarms, automatically react to changes, and gain a unified view of operational health.ย 

Google Cloud: Google Cloud Monitoring offers automatic out-of-the-box metric collection dashboards for Google Cloud services. It also supports monitoring of hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

When you set any of these services up as an alert source in Rootly, every time an alert triggers from that source, an alert will be created in Rootly.

To set up any of these alert sources, head to On-Call > Alert Sources > + Add Alert Source and type in the tool youโ€™re looking for. Each native Alert Source has in-app setup instructions to ensure setup is easy and clear, without needing to find and jump between help docs:


Each Alert Source comes with specific instructions for setup.

๐ŸŒ New & Improved

๐Ÿ†• Custom fields can now be set directly in the createIncident API call. Teams no longer have to make two API calls to create an incident and set its custom fields.

๐Ÿ†• Number of Subscribers is now an available metric for each incident and can be queried through the incident table in Rootly Metrics.

๐Ÿ’… Added Newly Attached Teams option for Page PagerDuty On-Call workflow action. Now only newly added teams will be paged by their linked PagerDuty services. This ensures users donโ€™t receive duplicating pages.

๐Ÿ’… Timeline attachment limit has now been increased from 10MB to 1GB.

๐Ÿ› Fixed intermittent issues with Timeline Updated workflow event not triggering.

๐Ÿ› Fixed issue with default values set for custom text and textarea fields not appearing on incident forms.



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