Strengthen your incident response by helping your responders stay on top of open alerts with Rootly’s latest Alert Timeout, Snooze, and Escalate features.
Once a responder has acknowledged an alert, Rootly will snooze the alert while the responder investigates. After a period of time, Rootly will re-page the same responder, reminding them that the alert is still open and needs to be investigated.
Why it matters
How do you make sure a responder hasn’t fallen back asleep? In the middle of the night or during a busy day, alerts may be forgotten about and remain open when an urgent incident should’ve be spun up. By re-paging your responders:
- You’ll have confidence that your team’s alerts are being evaluated and triaged by paging responders
- Minimize stale alerts that should’ve resulted in an escalation, or an incident
With Rootly, never leave a critical alert open and without investigation again!
To get started, visit your Alerts page in your Rootly admin. Turn the ‘Retrigger acknowledged alert’ toggle on to begin re-paging responders after an alert is acknowledged.
🌝 New & Improved
🆕 Added the ability to schedule Google Calendar events to specific calendars.
🆕 Added API and Terraform support for enabling services and teams to allow email-triggered alerts.
💅 Added the ability to filter Rootly members list by Incident Response Role and On-Call Role.
💅 Page Rootly On-Call workflow action has been updated to allow quick simpler confirmation to page All Attached Services/Teams, Newly Attached Services/Teams, and First Attached Services/Teams.
🐛 Fixed display issue where 3rd party ad-ons (e.g. 1Password, Grammarly, etc.) partially blocking field inputs.
🐛 Fixed incorrect display of error message on resource edit pages.