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February 22, 2024


✍️ Customize Your Wordbank for Automatic Incident Title Generation

✍️ Customize Your Wordbank for Automatic Incident Title Generation

✍️ Customize Your Wordbank for Automatic Incident Title Generation

No time to come up with an incident title? No problem. Using an auto-generated title allows you to spin up an incident as quickly as possible. Just leave the “Incident Title” field blank in the Incident Creation Form (web or Slack) and Rootly will automatically generate a random title for you using our built-in wordbank. You’ve probably seen these titles in our demos or in your own Rootly workspace. But here’s the fun part: you can now add or remove words to your wordbank to create your own custom title generator. Not only does this save you time from regenerating titles you’re not a fan of, it allows you to bring your organization’s personality into yet another part of your Rootly configuration. You can edit your incident's title at any time (just open the incident in Rootly and click the title to edit it), so it's easy to update it later on to better reflect a description of the incident for your records.

Customize your incident title generator in Rootly under Organization Settings > Advanced Settings > Automatic Incident Title Generator.

🌝 New & Improved

💅 Upgraded Zendesk alerts to include event_type and scenario as labels. Now you can perform more granular filtering on Alerts workflows.
💅 Added additional guard rails to prevent disabled workflows from being accidentally triggered. Previously, disabled workflows could still be triggered by Slack command and Trigger a Workflow action.
🐛 Fixed display bug on integrations page where the integration status is listed.
🐛 Fixed missing custom field values in CSV exports.
🐛 Fixed issue with CSV exports not respecting applied incident filters.
🐛 Fixed incorrect destination URL on public status page links.
🐛 Fixed inability to sort form fields via web UI.

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