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August 31, 2023


Improved Confluence Retrospective Templates

 Improved Confluence Retrospective Templates

📃 Improved Confluence Retrospective Templates

When an incident is resolved, Rootly automatically generates a Confluence page right from Slack with all of the incident’s key information populated in a clean, easy-to-read template. This way, you don't have to go scrolling through the Slack channel post incident to create your Retrospective timeline or track down post-incident action items. We just gave our templates a refresh so they’re even easier on the eyes. Here's what’s new:

  • Improved visuals with color coding and emoji icons
  • Action items and assigned roles are now included in the template by default
  • Cleaned up timeline format for better readability

See Rootly generate a Confluence page from Slack in this demo:

Learn more about setting up your Confluence integration in our help docs.

Have a template you already love? No problem—Rootly can also populate your own custom Confluence templates.

Not a Confluence user? We have you covered too. We have a whole suite of integrations to generate retro docs including Google Docs, Notion, and Dropbox Paper.

🌝 New & Improved

🆕 Added new Object Name column to global audit log table so users can easily identify which workflow or incident each event attributes to.
💅 Searching for values in single and multi-select dropdowns is now more predictable and more consistent between Slack and web UI.
💅 Incident Updated trigger event now covers updates to the incident timestamps.
💅 Moved Custom Field mapping
🐛 Resolved issue with some users not being able to open the Manage Action Items modal in Slack
🐛 Fixed issue with Observers not being able to see custom fields on the Create Incident form

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Improved Confluence Retrospective Templates

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